RStudio Package Manager Request Example

RStudio Package Manager includes the ability for admins to specify curated subsets of CRAN that should be available to users. Once a subset is created, admins have the option to add additional packages or update the set of packages. Each of these actions begins with a dry run that shows the admin exactly what changes will occur.

As an example, a curated CRAN repo exists at The repo currently contains the tidyverse packages. To add the plumber package, an admin would run:

rspm add --source=curated-src --packages=plumber --dryrun

This command would result in the dryrun output:

This action will install the following packages:

Name     Version  Path License                   Needs Compilation Dependency Installed
BH       1.66.0-1      BSL-1.0                                     true       true
crayon   1.3.4         MIT + file LICENSE                          true       true
httpuv       GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE                   true       false
jsonlite 1.5           MIT + file LICENSE                          true       true
later    0.7.3         GPL (>= 2)                                  true       false
magrittr 1.5           MIT + file LICENSE                          true       true
plumber  0.4.6         MIT + file LICENSE                          false      false
promises 1.0.1         MIT + file LICENSE                          true       false
R6       2.2.2         MIT + file LICENSE                          true       true
Rcpp     0.12.17       GPL (>= 2)                                  true       true
rlang    0.2.1         GPL-3                                       true       true
stringi  1.2.3         file LICENSE                                true       true

To complete this installation, execute this command without the --dryrun flag. You will need to include the --transaction-id=656 flag. A newer version of CRAN is available, consider using update to update the entire set of packages.

This output can be saved to a csv file and reviewed by external teams. Once the changes are approved, the admin can apply them.

When the first packages are added, the source is pinned to that point in CRAN’s history. Future requests, e.g. to add plumber, use the same moment in time.

To update the packages, an admin can use the update command:

rspm update --source=curated-src --dryrun

Resulting in a dry run output showing the necessary updates:

This action will install or archive the following packages:

Name    Version  Path              License            Needs Compilation Dependency Action
fansi   0.2.3                      GPL (>= 2)                           true       install
foreign 0.8-70.1 3.6.0/Recommended GPL (>= 2)                           true       install
pillar  1.3.0                      GPL-3                                true       install
tinytex 0.6                        MIT + file LICENSE                   true       install
xfun    0.3                        MIT + file LICENSE                   true       install
foreign 0.8-70   3.6.0/Recommended GPL (>= 2)                                      archive
pillar  1.2.3                      GPL-3                                           archive
tinytex 0.5                        MIT + file LICENSE                              archive

To complete this update, execute this command without the --dryrun flag. You will need to include the --transaction-id=667 flag.

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