
The shimmer package contains a discrete event simulation that explores how shiny processes behave at scale, typically orchestrated by RStudio Connect or Shiny Server Pro.

The underlying infrastructure of the simulation is provided by the simmer package (for discrete event simulations). In other words, shimmer simulates how Shiny apps scale by using the simmer simulation framework.

To use this app, complete your measurement or assumptions for Step 1: App assumptions and Step 2: Users assumptions ,then run the simulation using the Step 3: Simulate tab.

App startup and response time

App startup time is the time (in seconds) that it takes the app to start, i.e. the amount of time the user waits for the first response

App response time

App response time is the amount of time the user waits for a typical response

Arrival of users

Indicates how frequently new users enter the system.

Requests made by each user

Elapsed time between requests made by the user
The number of requests (interactions or clicks) made by every user before becoming inactive

Advanced user settings

Use a low value for an exponential distribution, and high value for quasi-normal distribution. Technically this is the shape parameter of a gamma distribution.

Advanced request settings

Use a low value for an exponential distribution, and high value for quasi-normal distribution. Technically this is the shape parameter of a gamma distribution.